Tuesday, August 3, 2010

so stinkin' hot!

With record highs here in North Florida, I find myself dragging my feet and totally uninspired. The little ones don't even want to play outside in the sprinkler, it is so hot. Daily, the car dash reports temperatures in the triple digits, and the weatherman tells us it 'feels' even hotter. When will it end?!?!?!

Despite all that, the girls have had an eventful summer exploring our Gulf Coast. We were fortunate to be able to spend time at Ft. Pickens in Pensacola while their dad was there for work. The girls have inquisitive personalities, and had a great time exploring the fort with all of its secret passageways and nooks. Their favorite pasttime was making fun of momma for not wanting to follow them! They also took delight in hounding the local fishermen at the pier, taking long walks, and adventuring. Both fell in love with the Blue Angels as we were able to watch their twice weekly practices.

Now, we are looking forward to school starting in just a couple of short weeks. It does not seem possible that the summer has gone by so quickly. Nor does it seem possible that my girls have grown so much is such a short period of time.
take care, michelle